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New Women’s WR 1082lb on 80lb

Angler Georgette Douwma
Fish Black Marlin
Weight 1323
Tackle 80lb
Boat Samurai
Date 28 Nov 1977

1977 was another big year for the Women’s 80lb Word Record. Wilma Childs caught a 1082lb black marlin on 80lb to break the Women’s World Record set only the previous year in 1976 on 22 September 1977.

Wilma held the record for less that two months with Englishwoman Georgette Dauwma breaking it again on 8 November.  With a 1323lb black marlin on 80lb Georgette convincingly broke the record which still stands today (2023).

She was fishing on the boat Samurai at Agincourt Reef.

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