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The Monday After


This post was imported into WordPress from my old Black Marlin Fishing Blog website without any accompanying photos. If you’d like to see the original post, with the accompanying photographs, go to the original Black Marlin Fishing Blog site and navigate to the post using the archive navigation links on the right-hand-side.

Tournament entry is updated (finally – sorry!) below.

After being on the Coast for the bad weather period and having an exciting weekend at the tournament, it didn’t take much to convince Brendan to once again change his flights and stay around for one last day’s fishing.

And it turned out to be a pretty good decision.

Heading back to the strike zone of the previous day with no other boats this time for company, the weather was glamour and fish showed up again. It wasn’t long before the first bite, an est 500 lb-er failed to hook-up on the short rigger. The team on Kekoa did manage to raise him again on the teaser for an opportunity on the pitch bait and he eluded that hook as well. Another bite from a small fish on the long rigger soon followed but it was the third bite of the day that provided the most action. I’m promised video of this is not far away and that it is a sight to see. An estimated 650+ lb beauty, switched off the teaser and onto the 50lb stand up (giving Brendan quick flashbacks). With perfect vision, we could see the fish’s every move as it eyed off the bait. A couple of misses got the fish fired up. When it did eat the bait it sky rocketed completely out of the water with our bait t-boned in its mouth – all captured on video (to come.) Unfortunately the hook failed to hit its mark and it was 3-zip for the day.

Luckily, on the way in for his flight, a copy-book switch found Brendan hooked and another Blue was released shortly after with a Satellite tag to show his friends. We look forward to any info Dr. Julian gets on this one in the future as well.

Many thanks to Brad for hanging around to help out on the deck. Good luck with the trip bringing Sir Reel down the coast at the end of the week. Look forward to seeing the ‘sister ship’ on the coast.

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