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Obrien’s Update


This post was imported into WordPress from my old Black Marlin Fishing Blog website without any accompanying photos. If you’d like to see the original post, with the accompanying photographs, go to the original Black Marlin Fishing Blog site and navigate to the post using the archive navigation links on the right-hand-side.

Just a quick update this morning with reports from the two 47 O’Brien’s. Capt. Luke on KEKOA goes into the final day of their trip today, leaving Myrmidon to head into Town(sville) and sportfishing their way in. Adding to the Monday tally with another two black marlin Tuesday at 600lb and 200lbs. And back up at Cairns, Capt. Laurie on Ningaloo released another small black yesterday for Mark their angler. from Philly. Still lots of tuna action on the Bank.
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