Daphne Nielsen was a founding member of the Cairns Game Fishing Club. She was the inaugural Treasurer and long running secretary but she also at one time held positions of Vice President and Weighmaster. She was inducted into the Cairns Game Fishing Hall of Fame in 2007 for her lifelong services to the Club. Daphne also played an integral role administering the tagging program on the GBR and was the master record keeper.
Later she became a Life member of the GFAA.
In memorium announcement from the IGFA in June 2018 at the time of Daphne’s passing:
The Game Fishing Association of Australia was deeply saddened on Monday 25 June 2018 to hear of the passing of Daphne Nielsen – Daphne was the mainstay the Cairns bigfish scene during it’s foundation and formative years. Daphne will be remembered for all the behind scene things and of course her 27 years as the Cairns IGFA Representative, GFAA Life Member and Cairns Game Fishing Club Secretary.
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