Reel Chase had a great morning catching GT’s on the way out to Number 7 but although the weather was flat calm the team only had 2 bites from small fish on the scaley – no hookups.
Calvin Tilley, doing a short stint at the wheel of private Riviera Sweat and Tears, had the best day with a 900lber at Number 6 and an even bigger one at Number 5. Sparrow caught 2 on Number 10 while most of the few boats left up there caught zip.
Laurie on Sir Reel confirmed his fish, that we mentioned yesterday, was indeed a donkey on both counts – BIG and stubborn. Also great to see legendary skipper Peter Wright back on the reef this week driving Iona. Maybe he can produce a fish bigger than his Aus record of 1440lb caught back in 1973 for Micheal MacGrath.