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Wind & Weather


Another quiet day on the heavy tackle fish reporting yesterday, although there were more fish ‘sightings’ so which is a sign that this wind has stirred the fish up. We saw a few fish tailing down sea in the waves yesterday. Hopefully today they are hungry!

I had a report from Capt. Corey Hard and the team on Askari who finished up a tough 5 days fishing (has been tough fishing all along the reef) with three fish in the small to mid-range.  With a bit more luck, Corey says that one of their anglers could have caught a fish of a lifetime, but unfortunately, the hooks pulled.

After a day off now in Cooktown to do an oil change, they are heading back out into the wild and windy seas on a 33 day back to back adventure!

Light Tackle Marlin

Paul Poulter’s Think Big braved the conditions yesterday and fished off Thetford Reef on the inside as they did not have enough people on board for heavy tackle.

They raised 3, hooked 2 and tagged 1 and also boated 2 nice mackerel for Sharon.

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