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Fishing in Australia during coronavirus


You’ve probably all noticed that I have elected not to blog during the Australian lockdown. I personally believe that we all have a role to play in flattening the curve and keeping other safe by our own actions. And so I don’t want to be seen as promoting ‘non essential’ fishing during this time. What you can do ‘recreationally’ differs from state but certainly my understanding is that within Australia, fishing is allowed for the purpose of gathering food only and that you are only allowed to fish with others you live with or within your own family (ie. your isolation group).

But the charter industry is completely currently shut down and boats are unable to operate due to many reasons ie. not essential business, travel restriction as well as social distancing requirements. We are hurting both financially, many with zero income but ongoing marina fees and other expenses, and mentally right now and so I wanted to add my own personal food for thought on what you can do if you are in the position of potentially cancelling, booking or re-booking a trip.

Postpone, don’t cancel.

While the big marlin season is still up in the air, and here’s hoping we can fish it, its far to early to make any judgement on that right now. So I will keep you updated as we hear more and what the restrictions are for travelers in the future into September as they become known. Keep in touch with who you are fishing with and they will likewise let you know anything that effects your trip as it becomes known.

I also know from personal experience for those of us who live and breathe fishing that things are tough right now and its certainly affecting mental health.

So please keep yourself busy. Read through the archives. There are fishing reports here dating back to 2007 (although I started blogging in 2005, I lost two years of reporting along the way..!) The giant black marlin fishery is only about 54 years young but reading through the archives will be sure to remind you why you need to fish here at least once in your lifetime! Why its the best place on earth to catch a grander black marlin and that the crews that fish here are an awesome bunch!  Please do support them by planning a future trip if you can!

You can also follow me on my personal account on Instagram if you are looking for your big marlin fix, as I am always sharing pics from season past.

I have a little side project that I will be launching soon so stay tuned about that. And likewise we have something coming from the Cairns Professional Game Fishing Association that you won’t want to miss. So I will be checking in with updates from time to time.

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Jeff Wregg
April 16, 2020 at 1:16 pm

Well said Kelly. We all need to support each other at this time. It is very difficult trying to explain to my young boys why we can’t go for a fishing trip at the moment. But things will turn around. :)

Kelly Dalling Fallon
April 16, 2020 at 2:38 pm

Thanks Jeff, yes hopefully we’re all back to fishing very soon!

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