With the stripes so late to show, hopes for a late season were buoyed when they eventually did show. And…
Lots of bit(es) and pieces from all over today: And wow, the stripes really have arrived! Capt. Scotty Thorrington’s Freedom…
Sydney Blues Hot fishing for those who braved the weather on the back of the postponed Broken Bay Invitational (New…
An awesome photo from Claire Jones from the weekend’s Sydney GFC’s Mako comp taken from on board Avalon. Coffs warming…
It was another win for the World Offshore Championships last week with yet another tournament billfish record beaten for the…
Report from Claire Jones that Sydney waters are on FIRE! Claire tells me that almost every boat that fished over the…
Gold Coast Blue Marlin And a couple of big fish encounters among the smaller fish. Glanville, on board his Ocean…
Haven Charters Terrigal’s Capt. Scotty Thorrington on Freedom has up and relocated to Port for his 2015 marlin season as usual,…
12 from 15 black marlin on the Gold Coast. A broadbill swordfish off Moreton. 5 from 7 black marlin off…
There was some more great black marlin fishing along the east coast from the Sunshine Coast through Sydney over the…
Exmouth continues to amaze Word overnight from Eddie at Peak Sportfishing in WA that their bumper 2014/2015 season continues. Yesterday…
A busy weekend of tournaments, but far too early for reports so those will come later. In the meantime, it was a very successful and enjoyable long weekend on the water for Australia’s national holiday and first long weekend of the year. Three days of fishing fun and the marlin presented themselves all the way along the coast.
Read on for reports from the Gold Coast, Coffs Harbour, Port Macquarie and Sydney.
Exmouth firing – WA Marlin Exmouth’s Heavy Tackle Tournament was held last week in less than ideal conditions (having already…
A discouraging weather forecast postponed the tournament by a week, allowing many to attend instead the Sydney Boat Show and…